Staging Your Home to Sell

Staging Your Home to Sell

Staging is more than the cleaning and repairing. The staging phase is the polish and sparkle. It is about perceptions, creating moods and making the space seem larger, brighter and more inviting. Staging is about final touches. Think of it as the bridal gown that completes the look the bride wants to project. Another example is if have a car to sell and it is in perfect working order but, the paint is coming off and faded, it will not be appealing. Remember that people tend to buy with their eyes.

Staging your house properly can be a financial winner. In a survey from last year, the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA)  found that 75% of all sellers who put just 1% of their list price into staging realized an ROI of 5% to 15% over their  asking price.

Many home sellers are not interested in staging at first, but when the home does not sell because it has very little appeal proper staging will likely  turn it around. You may want to go big with staging or take a simple, small-scale approach.  What is important is that you do some degree of staging. Doing so makes it more likely you sell fast and get top dollar for your house.

Home Staging Professionals

Professional stagers seem to have a knack for style and are highly skilled artists. They can visualize your home from start to finish. Their tools are all the accents and accessories needed to dress the home in its finest attire. Stagers have the skills of a polished interior decorator and the understanding of the buying mindset. With these skills, they create the look that appeals to all five senses. The secrets to their success are subtle details that come together to create a cohesive and pleasant experience for visitors walking through the home. A home stager might:

  • Arrange sparse pieces of furniture in an appealing grouping known as a vignette.
  • Showcase a generous usage of soft fabrics such as silk, lamb’s wool, and satin.
  • Display unusual knickknacks in units of one, three, or five.
  • Drape window coverings with simple lines.
  • Add unique elements to shelving, bookcases, and fireplace mantels to draw attention to areas you want potential buyers to look at.

Tools Home Stagers Use

Professional stagers employ a variety of things to give your house a quick facelift. Here is just some of  the items professional stagers may use to address room by room. Using these items in the right places, colors and styles is where their expertise pays off.

  • Plants
  • Silk flowers
  • Mirrors
  • Stylish lamps
  • Area rugs
  • Chairs and love seats
  • Ottomans
  • Couch throws
  • Pillows
  • Baskets
  • Wall décor

Home Staging Tricks and Tips

If you move out and leave an empty, vacant home, the feeling it portrays is also empty and void of life. Without staging, a home will normally stay on the market for an extended period and will not bring top price.

The kitchen is usually the center of the home. Here are some sensible and inexpensive tips to make that space sparkle:

  • Use a wood treatment on cabinets. Orange oil works well to fix dry looks and add luster.
  • Bowls of fruit and colorful polished items such as artificial fruits are visually appealing and added extra color.
  • Fun items on the counters such as cookbooks and spice containers add to the look.

Bringing elements from the outdoors inside offers a great uplift. It is as easy as adding a few plants in colorful pots and baskets. Keep some spaces clean with furniture arranged to leave ample of room to walk around.

Bathrooms are  certainly essential to show well. Bathrooms must always look open, airy, and inviting. One of the best tricks comes from upscale hotels and resorts. It involves adding baskets filled with spa treatments items like towels, special soaps, lotions, and other skin treatments.

Do not forget to spruce up the backyard. For your patio, bring in plants and colorful flowers in pots. If you have seating and tables, use centerpieces and cushions or pillows.

What is the Cost?

Costs for professional staging depends on where you live, and the areas demand for these professional home staging services. Large metro areas and cities where home staging is long established command higher prices.

Your real estate agent might be willing to help you stage your house. Listing agents all agree that vacant homes definitely show better with professional staging. Even when an agent is capable of helping stage a home, they may still encourage sellers to employ an experienced stager. Costs run from $500 to $4,000 and more. Considerations are the size of the home, how many rooms need staging, and what number of props will it take to complete the process.

Want Help With Staging Your Home? Call Penney  at 480-907-4796 Today! She is expert at staging and will be glad to help you get started to prepare your home for sale.

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